Frequently Asked Questions
Scroll down to see answers to things we get asked a lot. If you're looking for something specific, enter or choose a keyword below.
- About ABLE
- Benefits
- Contributions
- Eligibility
- General
- Gifting
- How the account works
- Linking bank accounts
- Opening an account
- Qualified expenses
- Successors and Estates
- Tax benefits
- How does gifting work?
- To help friends and family grow a loved one’s ABLE account, we created a special Gift Form to facilitate the process. Fill out the information about the beneficiary and their ABLE account, and include a check of at least $5 made payable to the Maryland ABLE with the amount you want to gift. The... Read more
- Who can send me gifts?
- Once you’ve set up your gifting page, anyone who has a link to it can contribute towards your goal. You can also give friends and family a Gift Form if they’d like to mail a check contribution. Keep in mind that gift contributions count toward your yearly standard contribution limit. So, if you’ve... Read more
- What happens if I no longer want to have an online gifting page for my account?
- No problem. You can delete it anytime you want, and the contributions that have previously been gifted (including pending contributions) will stay in your account. Just sign into your account, go to your “account overview” and click on the gifting module. Select “Edit this page” and then click... Read more
- Are gift-givers charged a fee when they contribute through my page?
There is no fee for bank account (ACH) gift contributions.
Using the paper Gift Form to contribute by mailing in a paper check is also fee-free.
- How will I know if I’ve received gifts?
- When a gift contribution has finished processing you’ll get an email letting you know someone contributed to your account, all processed gift contributions will also appear in your activity feed. Please keep in mind, any gift contributions made through an online gifting page will not be available... Read more
- How do I make a gift contribution online?
- To contribute online, first make sure the recipient has set up their gifting page. Then, use their gifting page link to fill out the form fields as directed — it’s just the usual stuff, like your name, address, the amount you want to contribute, the payment method you would like to use, and the... Read more
- What is a gifting profile?
- For easier gifting, family and friends can create a gifting profile to save their banking information and have their own personal dashboard with easy access to review their gifting history and receipts. Creating a gifting profile Go to the unique gifting page and click on “Make a... Read more
- Can I make regular repeat contributions?
- Anyone who sends a gift can set up recurring contributions—for birthdays, holidays, or just because—and save their information in a convenient gifting profile to streamline future gifting. How to set up recurring gifts: Sign in to your gifting profile Select the recipient you would like to send a... Read more